(b) Acts detrimental to discipline and order in the penal institution
(b) Els actes perjudicials per a la disciplina i l’ordre a l’establiment penitenciari
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Thus, one must be cautious when receiving a call from a penitentiary establishment.
Així, cal ser cauts quan es recepti un anomenat provinent d’algun establiment penitenciari.
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Article 11: The death penalty shall be executed by hanging in a penal institution.
Article 11: La pena de mort s’executarà a la forca en un establiment penitenciari.
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(c) Those which are likely to cause disruption of discipline and order in the penal institution
(c) Les que puguin causar una alteració de la disciplina i l’ordre a l’establiment penitenciari
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Apparently, the community authorized the penitentiary establishment to deposit the waste in that body of water.
Aparentment, la comunitat va autoritzar a l’establiment penitenciari dipositar les deixalles en aquest cos d’aigua.
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Synopsis The new director of a penitentiary establishment is slowly gaining the trust of the minors who are interned there.
Sinopsi El nou director d’un establiment penitenciari va guanyant de poc la confiança dels menors que hi són internats.
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For this, the inmate must make a written request to the Head of the Penitentiary Establishment, indicating the benefit for which he is applying.
Per fer-ho, l’intern ha de fer una sol·licitud per escrit al cap de l’establiment penitenciari, indicant el benefici al qual postula.
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Evans quickly left through an auxiliary door of the prison, aboard a car and in the company of two relatives, avoiding any contact with journalists.
Evans va sortir ràpidament per una porta auxiliar de l’establiment penitenciari, a bord d’un automòbil i amb dos familiars, evitant qualsevol contacte amb els periodistes.
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Sources from the Ministry of the Interior confirmed yesterday that the military will remain in Carcel Central at least until Friday and affirmed that they will surely not be confined in a penitentiary establishment dependent on that organism.
Fonts del Ministeri de l’Interior van confirmar ahir que els militars romandran almenys fins divendres a Presó Central i van afirmar que segurament no seran reclosos en un establiment penitenciari dependent d’aquest organisme.
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First, one of the defendants was not reachable (a euphemism to say that he was on the run from Justice) and then he was admitted to a prison for other events, which delayed the investigation of the case.
Primer un dels acusats no va estar localitzable (eufemisme per dir que va estar fugat de la Justícia) i després va estar ingressat en un establiment penitenciari per altres fets, cosa que va endarrerir la instrucció de la causa.
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